Violent four-man gang stomp on girl’s head in horror Hull street brawl
Four men have admitted leaving two people with horrific injuries after a mass brawl in west Hull.
Kieran Bush, his girlfriend Olivia Johnson, and his father Mark Bush were attacked by a gang of four thugs in Granville Street on June 17 last year.

Mr Bush said his father needed plastic surgery after the attack, while Ms Johnson was punched and had her head “stomped” on by members of the group.
Today at Hull Crown Court, four men have pleaded guilty to violent disorder and admitted taking part in the attack.
Speaking at the time, Mr Bush said: “I was upstairs in my bedroom and I heard a man calling out up to me.
Mark Bush needed plastic surgery after the attack
“He was with a couple of other men, all looked in their 30s or 40s, there were three of them at first.
“My dad went outside to see what was going on and speak to them, and ask them what they were doing outside his house and to ask them to move along.
“They were carrying bottles, I think Corona bottles, and I saw from the window one of them raise it, as though he was going to glass her. But I think he changed his mind, and punched her instead
“She just hit the deck. He then proceeded to jump, properly jump on my girlfriend’s head.”
Mr Bush said his dad went to help and the gang then started on him.
“There was blood everywhere, all over the car and driveway.”
On Wednesday, Lukasz Chluba, Ernest Mariusz Bachowski, Robert Tchorzewki and Thomasz Tchorzewki, all of Granville Street, admitted to violent disorder in Hull Crown Court .
They will be sentenced on July 26.
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