
Rigante series

Sword In The Storm Book 1

A book about honor, a book about misunderstanding and retribution.

Sword in the Storm tells us about a young hero, Connavar of the Rigante. Burdened by the thought of his father being a coward,

he’s eager to prove himself. His thoughts are often shadowed, but his heart beats true. The Seidh, malevolent forces of nature,

sense his inner turmoil and decide to use him as a plaything, granting him one wish… When one day a bear attacks him and his friends,

he refuses to give ground and attacks the animal, earning him mortal wounds and eternal glory. Against all odds he survives,

and returns to his town a hero. This is only the beginning of his perilous journey…

Will he be able to live up to his reputation and dreams, or will his inner demons consume him?

All books in the series can be found to buy below:

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